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Stockist A2

If you are planning to visit the smallest town in the United Kingdom, Wells, Somerset, don’t forget to come by A2 gallery located on High St, 80. A selection of Ladneva handmade jewellery can be found there. Made from the upcycled materials, Ladneva earrings are a great example of contemporary products, which keep pace with the concept of a circular economy and are a great example of upcycling used in product design.

Upcycled jewellery – Earrings with vintage beads in silver.

Ladneva established in 2017 started to use various upcycled elements in the process of creation of contemporary jewellery. Timeless design of jewellery, its wearability, and quality beads are the main traits of each item. Crafted in Riga, Latvia, and represented in Wells, UK, it is a mixture of colours and forms, a combination of design ideas incorporated in unique jewellery pieces.

The smallest town of the United Kingdom, known by many and visited by people from different countries, is a pearl on the map of the United Kingdom, with ancient architecture, tiny streets, and secluded ambiance.
According to estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) of the UK, Somerset annually is visited by 11.4million people, who stay there for one day, as well as by 1.8million people, who are overnight visitors, all coming from within Great Britain.

A2 gallery started to collaborate with Ladneva in 2022 and is proud and happy to offer a range of its jewellery to the A2 visitors. If you are looking for something casual, stylish, and with an artisanal touch, this is definitely the place to spot it.

Inner space drivers

Haven’t you thought about such thing as sayings, which you subconsciously follow in your everyday life? Many sayings, beliefs, grandmother’s phrases often become a base of a lifestyle, life philosophy, way of living, what you actually do not realise. For example, when there is a need for some action, such saying as “The morning is wiser than the evening” might make you postpone some decisions to the next day in your life. Or how often do you carry out a double-check thing? Do you proofread the messages you send following the rule “Second thoughts are the best”? These inner drivers might regulate your pace of life, might influence the timing of your decisions, and they also can be your anchors and in some way ease your life.

Ladneva brand has inherited some of the “past” values, which might seem a bit strange in a modern life with enormous rhyme. Such thing as personal information sharing with friends, like phone numbers etc. How would you act in case someone asks you for a phone number of a person you know well? Would you ask for permission from him/her first or will you share the number not caring for this rule, just applying the positive thinking and not caring too much? The thing is that you never know, what can happen afterwards, and maybe you might feel guilty and responsible for the circumstances of this phone call afterwards.

There are a lot of things that are not restricted by the legislation, for example, but these are simply the rules of everyday ethics. These are not only the sayings or proverbs, these are the norms of life, which are, maybe, sometimes not very modern. Of course, it is difficult to find a golden mean, and everyone might break some rules sometimes because of different reasons. There are no judges anymore except for you. And the only thing that remains is to step sometimes backward, think twice, double-check, and either act or wisely wait for the morning.

To conclude, we cannot be responsible for everyone’s actions, but we are responsible for our own behaviour, and each step, each word, each feeling counts. Everyone we meet on our way is our and only our experience. No one else except you lives the life you do. Be careful with what you meet, be attentive to yourself and others.

Pricing the upcycled items

Vintage should not cost a lot, but it should compete. In order to develop a sustainable economy one needs to take an action — to compete in terms of prices with retailers who are less green and more trend oriented. The fashion market is capitalising on new collections, leaving a big amount of stock unsold. Some rare parts of it are available via outlets, but other remainings are just kept in the warehouses.
An idea of upcycling is simple — to give a new life to already used (in other words bought) but left useless item, because of time or other obstacles, which might be a natural willingness of an individuum to upgrade, get new emotions, have a feeling of newness, a necessity to get rid of old things. There are a lot of psychological factors, which influence the shopping activity of people. So upcycling is nothing new but the process of reinvention, using already made pieces.
The pricing model which could be applied here is based on the following considerations. There are several factors, which should be accounted for: raw materials, which might cost nothing, designer time spent on creation of new objects, delivery expenses, marketing expenses. At least one cost might be eliminated sometimes here — the expenses on raw materials, which in some cases might be quite high. However, the upcycling has a scarcity trait, since there is no developed scaled system for people to get rid of useless things. Therefore, on one hand there is an idea that the price on upcycled pieces should be less compared to similar pieces made from the scratch using factory facilities etc. But on the other side the scarcity and uniqueness of spare parts make the upcycled items more expensive.
If you make a choice what to purchase, choose the “green way” when possible, supporting a circular economy by your purchase.

Shopping is not just a fun – it is more than it

How many t-shirts in your life have you already had? How often do you change them? Usually it is difficult to find a piece you really like and to wear it for a long time. And there are not that many the most beloved, favourtie pieces, which happen to be part of your life. However, sometimes you get exactly what you wanted and do not want to exchange it to anything else. Everything depends on the approach you follow.

There are two type of shopping people. The first one is a person, who simply buys what he likes on the shelf of the shop. This is kind of a spontaneous shopper, who is buying the things which go well together, which are trendy, quality products, and that’s it.

The second type of a person is a treasure seeker. Often, such people have images of desired pieces in their mind long before they go to shop. This type of a buyer is the most difficult one because he knows what kind of piece he wants, since he has imagined it before. He can also be a spontaneous buyer as well, but not that often. Buying things for a second type of a person is a very quick experience. As long as he sees his dream piece, he does not spend a lot of time on shopping. He just gets what he wants. The treasure hunters are people who usually have the most interesting wardrobes, which can consist from very different, but stylish pieces. These could be vintage findings, some subcultural garments, or even classical apparel, all kept in line with an image of their owner.

Ladneva accessories and apparel offers a range of jewellery pieces . Recently it started to offer apparel pieces, which would provide a lasting experience for its owners. These will be with you for a long time, even after these will get old. You will love them because of the unique, quality artworks printed on them. In other words, these are not a one-day kind of dresses, but more a timeless garments despite the fact that these are just the T-shirts, which will serve you and make feel comfortable in for a long period of time.

Starting from December, 2019 Ladneva offers T-shirts with original artworks. These can be ordered via internet, by writing an e-mail to Ladneva.

For more details, please, visit our main page.
For contact details, please, visit our contacts section.


Oversize sweaters, jumpers, shirts, jackets… There is something special in them. Not because these should obligatory be a part of your boyfriend’s garderobe, no, such a piece can be totally yours. But you can try wearing his apparel too just to feel the vibe.
As for me, I really like wearing extra size dresses and other pieces of apparel because these provide me with a feeling of “being inside the dress”. This has not only this effect, but also makes you look smaller (compared to the size of your wear). Once when I was a teenager, I wore my father’s checkered shirt with my mum’s velour jacket to the party. It was a period of raves where the rule was like the odder the better, the older the fancier. But this is a bit another story.
Extra size jumpers and sweaters go well with skinny jeans. Bold shoes like long boots should balance the oversize, though, not to make you appear proportionless. The layers are welcome too. Try putting on some thin shirt that is a bit longer than your sweater, it will add extra volume and make the contrast between your skinny trousers and volume upper part of a dress a bit more gradual. A small over the shoulder bag could be a nice extra and a final touch.

Autumn cleaning

The autumn is here, so it is a time for a new wardrobe! To free up some space for something new, cosy, and warm. There are a lot of different ways of how to get rid of your old dresses, coats, skirts, and other pieces of an apparel. One of them is to donate them to some local organisation, which works in this field and helps others to get to some new dresses. The other way, is to give away your clothes to some people in the countryside. Sometimes people there have less access to new dresses and could be glad to get some of yours (in case these are of a good quality and were worn accurately). Of course, you can also organise a garage sale as well. Buy some drinks, snacks, invite some local musicians or DJs and organise a party. You can also cooperate with some of your friends to make an event more funny. The last option is to participate in some Sunday markets, where clothes are sold that are not new. Usually it might take place in some city’ s spacious place, assumed for many people to handle. In this case, be prepared for quite an intense day, communication with strangers, and getting new acquaintances. Whichever option you choose, have fun and get some space for a new season’s dresses!