
Jewellery and bijuteria line by Ladneva is oriented at work with unused materials via upcycling process. We add a new touch to broken, not used, out of fashion items.

How does it work
Ladneva is continuously collecting jewellery and bijuteria pieces from people who do not need them anymore. As a result of a creative process, which includes complete reinvention of previous items, new fashion accessories are born.

How to participate
You can contact us via e-mail or by phone to arrange a meeting for collection of your items.

What will we do
We have an inventory of different pieces and are continuously working at design of new casual jewellery and some more glamourous pieces for festive occasions.

How much does it cost
We collect the unused items for free going to the place where the meeting with you is arranged.

How much will the jewellery cost
It depends on many factors, including the complexity of design and production, as well as the quality of beads.